When you have finished your IELTS Test, please share with other students any questions you had during your IELTS Listening Test. Post your questions/topics in the comments box underneath this post.
When you post your listening questions and topics, please let us know the following information >
- If it was for the Academic Test or the General Training.
- The date of your test…..
- Where you did your test.
**Please only post the questions and topics that you had from your test and NOT answers to questions.**
Location – India,
Test – General Training
Date – 9th April 2018
3.Psychology/marketing project
Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂
I had my test in Iran Tehran / April 2018 / Academic
Full of multiple choice questions exactly like the ones in the Cambridge 11 test 4
Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂
Hi, I had my test in Dubai and it was General Training. I did it in April 2018.
Section 1 – multiple choices (patient calling a health centre)
Section 2 – fill in the spaces (tutor and student discussion about a dissertation)
Section 3 – matching activities and multiple choice (a guide briefing about different types of museums)
Section 4 – fill in the gaps (about Australian voices)
Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂
Academic – I had my test in the UK on June 23rd 2018
I had a map and I had to locate the places
Academic test Dhaka, Bangladesh in 8 september 2018