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- IELTS readings Locating Information
- IELTS reading Sentence Completion
- IELTS reading Matching Information
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IELTS Reading Passage – Set up desktop video conferencing

Set Up Desktop Video Conferencing
Desktop Conferencing offers an easy, fun and practical way to see and talk to one another over the web, each at your own desk! Here are instructions for what you need to get started, how to set it up, and how to use it.You will needA camera with a microphone (around $80), a computer with a USB port (standard on newer computers), Internet access, MSN Messenger and NetMeeting conferencing software installed, a Microsoft Passport for directory services to contact other users, a video-conferencing partner with all of the above.Setting it UpPurchase any H320 Standard camera such as a Logitech QuickCamWeb model. Note most popular lower-priced cameras are H320s, more expensive ones are H323 standard. You will want to use the same standard camera as your colleagues.
Install the driver from the CD that comes with your camera and plug your camera into your computers USB port.Install MSN Messenger if you don’t have it already, This messaging tool offers a range of features equivalent to AOL’s Instant Messenger, with the value that it is integrated into Microsoft products and services. Go to and search for Messenger. Download the program to your hard drive, then double click on it to install. The MSN Messenger Window will open. Click on the link to sign in.Set up a Microsoft Passport if you don’t have one already. Click on the link that says ‘Don’t have a Passport? Get one here’. At the top of this window, it will say ‘Don’t want to create a Hotmail email account? Try this instead’. Click on this link. We recommend using your mail address as a standard so others in our community can easily locate you. Use whatever password y*you wish, and Agree to the terms.You will need to reply to the passport confirmation email before you can use the service. This is usually sent to your email account immediately.
Adding ContactsYour contacts is a list you create of others with whom you want to video conference, They will also want to add you as a contact. You will need to know their passport email address, and they will need to know your passport email address (therefore, using the standard is valuable in facilitating this step.)Open Messenger and sign in with your passport login. Click on the Messengers Add Contacts link on the toolbar. Search for the email address of the person(s) you wish to add as contacts.
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Set up desktop video conferencing Reading Questions
Questions 1-7
Complete the sentences below.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS and/or a NUMBER from the text for each answer.
1. You will need to install two pieces of_________ .
2. You will need to purchase an H320 or H323_________ camera.
3. MSN messenger can be downloaded from the website to your computer’s___________ .
4. It’s a good idea to use your’ email address for your___________ .
5. Before you can use your passport you will need to_______ to an email you’ll receive.
6. To add a contact you will have to have the person’s_______ address.
7. You can find the add contacts’ command on the_________ .
Read the text and answer Questions 8-14
Tips For Using Language Effectively
If you want your words to have the greatest appeal and impact, you need to pay special attention to the quality (versus quantity, i.e. “word count”) of your creative writings. Here, we’ll look at seven valuable tips for making your pieces “pop” by employing effective language usage and choices.
A Select your words with care.If you want to pen the strongest, most meaningful works possible, you’ll need to be highly selective when it comes to picking appropriate words and phrases. Even if you’ve been told that your novel, play, or short story needs to be of a minimum length, don’t allow yourself to fall into the trap of inserting bits of “fluffy” (and ultimately hollow) prose just to fill space.
B Use your thesaurus sparingly… and with a dictionary in hand.Your computer’s word processing software probably comes with a built-in thesaurus, which is a boon to writers everywhere. However, though it can be a helpful guide, it’s not a foolproof method of finding the right word. Don’t rely on the thesaurus every time you’re searching for the “perfect” term, as not all the synonyms listed mean exactly the same thing. That being said, there’s nothing wrong with using the thesaurus as a tool… just make sure you have an old-fashioned dictionary on hand to ensure the properness of the word you choose.
C Read, read and read some more!One of the best methods of becoming more literarily confident is to read others’ works. Even if you simply pick up the local paper every morning and peruse the main section, you’ll be increasing your personal stash of words and phrases. When you read a particularly captivating metaphor or a term with which you were previously unfamiliar, take a moment and write it down in a notebook, then, the next time you’re stumped for something to say, open your personal “dictionary” and find some instant inspiration!
D Edit someone else’s creative piece.When you agree to look over another author’s creative writings as a sharp-eyed editor, you’ll begin to recognise some of the same “traps” that you might have fallen into yourself. These can include the inclination to overuse “filler” words such as “really” and “nice” or reuse the same phrase in practically every paragraph.
E Make sure you’re saying what you think you’re saying.Another common problem that creative writers stumble upon is transferring an idea from the mind to paper (or computer screen.) If you’re not 100% certain that your reader will understand what you’ve written, ask for some help from a friend, editor, or writing coach. After all, if your audience can’t appreciate or follow your story, you haven’t done your job.
F Verbosity doesn’t equal greatness.Many individuals falsely believe that complexity translates to superiority; however, that’s often not the case. Typically, simplicity is the key to making your creative writing sing. Otherwise, your pieces could become so bogged down that no one will be able to plod through the pages or, in the case of poetry, verses.
G Know your audience.Last, but certainly not least, it’s important to keep in mind the people who will read your works. For example, if you’re putting together a children’s book, you’ll have to tone down your verbiage; otherwise, your young audience might become bored or confused. Similarly, if you’re working on a poem aimed at retirees, the language you use will need to be relevant to your age group, possibly even referring to your readers’ shared generational experiences.Language is a beautiful thing and one of the cornerstones of civilization. Use it wisely and reap the rewards.
Questions 8-14
The text contains seven sections, A – G. Which section contains the following information?
8. getting help from a friend
9. making a personal reference for yourself
10. writing for different age groups
11. the best kind of published reference books to use
12. avoid padding out the text
13. the power of keeping things simple
14. how to learn by giving feedback
Master the art of matching information and boost your score in the IELTS Reading section. Click here to access our step-by-step guide on handling Matching Information questions effectively.
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Set up desktop video conferencing Reading Answers
1.Answer: Software
2.Answer: Standard
3.Answer: Hard drive
4.Answer: Microsoft Passport
5.Answer: Reply
6.Answer: Passport email
7.Answer: Toolbar
8.Answer: E
9.Answer: C
10.Answer: G
11.Answer: B
12.Answer: A
13.Answer: F
14.Answer: D

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