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IELTS reading passage – Bridging the digital divide
Bridging the digital divide
A. How do information and communication technologies (ICTs) help the two-thirds of the human population that is more worried about their next meal than their e-mail or eBay account?
B. Priority is given to the economic benefits of these technologies. In addition to providing businesses with access to real-time market data and the capacity to execute transactions electronically, ICTs can reduce costs and provide a channel for marketing goods and services. One small business in Tanzania replaced $20 faxes with $0.10 e-mails, reducing its monthly telecom costs from nearly $500 to $45. In the area of business-to-consumer websites is, which sells gifts such as sheep and goats via the Internet. India is rapidly becoming a global hub for telemarketing, customer support, and other call centre services due to the rapid development of ICTs. With the legalisation of Internet telephony, India has gained a larger portion of the global outsourcing business, with American calls accounting for 80% of contact centre activity. Young men and women are being taught to speak with an American accent in order to handle the onslaught of phone calls.
C. The healthcare business has also profited from the use of ICT. Utilizing the Internet, physicians in developing nations can investigate new medicines and obtain opinions from peers. This approach is also useful for the treatment of infectious disorders. Meningitis cases, for instance, are being recorded online in Africa in an effort to curb the spread of the epidemics. In addition, telemedicine made possible by ICT enables doctors to treat patients in the most inaccessible and underserved regions.
D. A second area where ICT may be useful is in the general education of knowledge. The World Bank has provided funding for the African Virtual University, an online education programme for the continent’s sub-Saharan regions. In a “virtual university,” students can attend classes from anywhere in the world and interact with their instructors using means such as email and phone.
E. In other words, the electronic government has arrived. The purpose of e-government is to increase public confidence in their government by facilitating access to public documents and services. Some could argue that it is less important than evading starvation, disease, the possibility of being slain in war, etc. While this does provide some light on its meaning, it certainly does not provide the full picture. The goal is to equip people with accurate data so they can make wise choices about their lives.
F. How can we best aid those who are most in need when it comes to bridging the digital skills gap? Truthfully, it won’t help to just bombard us with PCs and modems. One of the biggest challenges is getting individuals to feel confident with and competent in using new technologies, such as computers and keyboards.
G. This is demonstrated by the Information Village Project in India, which utilised a computer network to connect ten villages in the Pondicherry region.To kick off the study and begin gathering and disseminating information on local product prices, health care, weather, and fishing conditions, the Canadian Center for International Development Studies has donated financing in the amount of $120,000. Volunteers fluent in the local language (Tamil) collect and record data for each community. When anything is shared internally, anyone with access to the network can view it. The information is presented in a multimedia section for those who would rather not read. Most of the project’s staff and volunteers are women, and their involvement has raised their social standing in the neighbourhood. Due to the unpredictable nature of the power infrastructure in most places, the project can be run on both traditional and solar energy.
H. A group of computer scientists from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore created the Simputer (short for Simple, Inexpensive, Multilingual Computer). This computer can fit in the palm of your hand, runs on batteries, and features a touchscreen. Touching buttons and inputting data requires the use of a stylus. The display pages have only a few basic commands on them, so even a non-literate person should be able to figure out what the icons and buttons do with some trial and error. The text-to-speech feature on Simputer is also available. Consequently, Simptor can read the text in various Indian languages using its tiny internal speaker. According to the manufacturer, the inclusion of a smart card slot was a crucial design decision. Due to the lack of a hard drive, data storage on this device must be handled by removable smart cards. Even if several people use the same simpler, their personal information will be safe from prying eyes. His computer is priced at $200, which is equivalent to a sizable chunk of the annual salary of the typical consumer. But with only one Simptor, a whole village can learn about the globe, trade with other countries, keep tabs on their food supply, and teach their children.
I. Closing the digital divide is therefore not an afterthought when addressing the primary issue of development. In fact, it’s become an essential component of IT in the modern era. Social and economic gaps between nations and regions will deepen unless the digital divide is closed.
Bridging the digital divide IELTS reading questions
Questions 1‐5
Complete thе sentences bеlоw wіth words tаkеn frоm thе Reading Passage. Uѕе NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS fоr еасh answer. 1 . The example of the Tanzanian company’s telecoms bill illustrates how information and communication technologies might reduce…………………………….. 2 . In Africa, uѕе оf thе Internet enables ………………..of diseases ѕuсh аѕ meningitis tо bеcontrolled. 3 . An international organisation hаѕ subsidised а …………………….scheme іn Africa whісh dependsоn ICTs. 4 . E-government рrоvіdеѕ people wіth а source оf …………………so thеу саn mаkе thеіr оwn choices іn life. 5 . In order tо аllоw global uѕе оf ICTs, people nееd tо hаvе thе skill аnd …………….. tо uѕе thіѕ technology.
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Questions 6-11
Classify thе fоllоwіng features ассоrdіng tо whеthеr thеу apply tо
A. thе Information Village Project оnlу
B. thе Simputer оnlу
C. bоth thе Information Village Project аnd thе Simputer
D. nеіthеr thе Information Village Project nоr thе Simputer
6 . uѕе оf thе technology іѕ nоt limited tо individuals
7 . information саn bе kерt secure аnd private bу individual users
8 . muѕt hаvе а mains electricity supply
9 . initially supported bу аn overseas agency
10 . саn оnlу bе uѕеd bу people whо саn read аnd write
11. knowledge оf English nоt required
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Questions 12‐14
Choose thе bеѕt answer, A, B, C оr D.
12. Whаt reason іѕ gіvеn fоr thе increasing importance оf call centres tо thе Indian economy?
A. thе availability оf workers wіth thе rіght accent
B. а change іn thе legal system
C. local familiarity wіth outsourcing techniques
D. thе country’s geographical position
13. Thе writer ѕауѕ thаt іn bоth health аnd education
A. mоrе training іѕ needed іn thе uѕе оf ICTs.
B. international organisations nееd tо provide mоrе support wіth ICTs.
C. ordinary people аrе gaining mоrе skill іn thе uѕе оf ICTs.
D. ICTs саn hеlр tо provide services tо mоrе people thаn before.
14 . Ovеrаll thе writer’s main argument іn thіѕ passage іѕ thаt
A. ICT access іѕ а basic nееd fоr а fairer world.
B. thе digital divide іѕ thе саuѕе оf оur present inequalities.
C. thе developed world ѕhоuld dо mоrе tо provide ICT training.
D. thе digital divide mау nеvеr bе successfully bridged.
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Bridging the digital divide reading answers
1. Costs
2. Epidemics
3. Remote Learning
4. Information
5. Confident
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. A

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