The Blog post contains the following IELTS Reading Questions:
- IELTS Reading Matching Headings
- IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Questions
- IELTS Reading Yes/No/Not given
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IELTS reading passage – Distance Learning

Distance Learning
Distance learning is not a new principle in the case of education; correspondence courses have been utilized for over 150 years; nevertheless, new interactive technologies are opening up new options and tactics for teaching at a distance. Several studies have analyzed face-to-face classrooms to distance courses to assess differences in student performance and instructional quality. A meta-analysis of these studies revealed that distance learners did as well, with some distance courses outperforming their classroom equivalents.
This conclusion has been consistent across many research and disciplines; developments in communication technology and innovative ways of delivering distant instruction have challenged the notion that laboratory courses can only be provided in a face-to-face laboratory setting. Virtual laboratories, for example, have been used to teach thermodynamics, electronic circuits, and other experimental courses in engineering. Nursing, engineering, technology, and other sciences programmes are beginning to adopt distance-learning methodology to reach students in multiple areas and increase enrollment. A survey of online distance-learning programmes found a significant increase in student enrollment. The availability of distant education courses has enabled some people to attend college since courses are available in their area or the time of course delivery is convenient for them.
This learning opportunity has not been without its detractors, who, as with any type of instructional delivery, are concerned about the quality of training. Quality issues are a key worry for anyone planning to pursue degree programmes through distant learning, especially given the expansion of distance-learning programs. Although academics struggle to agree on specific quality standards for distance learning, attributes such as accreditation standards for programs, evaluating students’ experiences, teacher-student interaction, student-to-student interaction, learning resources for the learner, learner assessment and performance, instructional resources for faculty, faculty training, and learner satisfaction are valid criteria. These and more other factors can influence the quality of instruction delivered in both distance and face-to-face courses.
Distance Learning Platforms and Laboratory Course Offering InnovationFive departments at a selected UK university used a variety of instructional technology to deliver laboratory courses in Technology and Engineering via distance learning. Interactive Microwave TV (two-way audio and video), compressed video, the Internet, CDs, computer software (virtual software), and videotapes were the most popular technology. On-site interviews with academics and staff were performed at the chosen university in the United Kingdom. We saw a variety of educational materials, student portfolios, and a secure website. In addition to the Internet, CDs, and video, the university uses the following novel methods to offer the laboratory courses.
Summer and Residential SchoolsThe goal of residential and summer schools is similar; the only difference is the period. The summer school lasts one week and includes labs, lectures, and problem-solving sessions. In general, these schools offer four main features, giving students the opportunity to 1. carry out experimental work regarded too unsafe for a student working from home. 2. perform laboratory work with more advanced equipment or equipment that is too expensive to supply at home. 3. complete assigned lab work 4. Collaborate with other pupils.Some courses also arrange for students to go on a study tour, possibly to a company with unique operations or to a geographical location of interest.
Laboratory of DemonstrationThe demonstration laboratory presents students with the work they will be doing, demonstrating how to proceed, how to perform specific types of measurements, and so on. It also covers themes deemed too harmful for kids, as well as circumstances where the necessary equipment is not accessible at the residential school. Many of these demonstrations are filmed in order to control both the method of teaching and the quality of teaching across multiple groups of students at various levels.
Support Services for Faculty and Students Participating in Distance LearningAll departments that offer distance-learning courses provide assistance to students and faculty. E-mail systems, graduate assistants, course websites, proctors, phone conferencing, electronic library items, and instructional designers to work with teachers to create and build courses are among the support services. Interviews with instructional designers and teachers at the chosen UK university indicated the critical importance of instructional designers. Although they are not content experts, they can advise professors on how material is presented on a website or in what manner the information is given. The information is displayed on a website or in a format in which the information is displayed. The goal is to keep print assets, including electronic resources, in a consistent format and quality. The chosen university in the United Kingdom additionally offers faculty a support service that distinguishes it from the other institutions in this study: regionally based staff tutors who serve as a link between university faculty and students in the areas. Staff tutors play an important role in quality assurance, particularly in assisting effective teaching of university faculty courses, and they are in charge of the selection, monitoring, and development of part-time Associate Lectures. They contribute to faculty research, course planning, and presentation. Staff tutors are highly qualified in their specialties and, as such, help to bridge the gap between university academics and students in various locations.
By combining creative tactics such as Residential and Summer Schools, Field Trips, and Demonstration Laboratories with modern technologies, the UK institution is able to teach all of its laboratory courses via distance learning to its roughly 200,000 students both within and beyond the UK. Distance learning is not intended to replace face-to-face instruction, but it is a significant means to make education more accessible to everyone. As communication and digital technology progresses, residential or demonstration laboratories may be phased out in favour of identical experiences delivered through distance education.
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Distance Learning IELTS reading questions
Questions 1-5
Reading Passage has five paragraphs A to H. Which paragraph contains the following information?Write the correct letter A to H in boxes 1 to 5.
- This method of instruction is not designed to replace traditional teaching techniques.
- In the future, the use of technology may mean students will not have to attend practical sessions
- One aspect of the course is that students can get first-hand experience in a working environment and on educational excursions.
- Where the instruction takes place is not a critical factor in students’ achievements.
- Attending laboratory courses allows students to benefit from the use of expensive equipment, not otherwise available to them.
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Questions 6-9
Choose the correct option from A to D.
6. With the increasing number of distance-learning courses,
- problems arise with the timing of course delivery.
- It has been difficult to find suitable tutors.
- student to teacher interaction is no longer relevant.
- The standard of teaching has become an issue.
7. Staff tutors are responsible for
- suitability of courses for students’ needs
- monitoring of students’ progress.
- training of all teaching staff.
- Appointment of certain teaching staff.
8. Instructional designers advise faculty on the
- support services for students.
- course content.
- visual display of coursework.
- suitability of library material.
9. One purpose of the summer school is to
- enable students to be assessed directly.
- encourage students to work individually.
- familiarise students with laboratory equipment
- allow students to undertake a simple experiment.
Questions 10-13
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in the Reading Passage?
YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer.
NO if the statement contradicts what the writer thinks.
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to know what the writer’s point of view is.
10. Instructional designers receive very high salaries.
11. At the UK university, difficulties exist where the teaching of the science subjects involves laboratory experiments
12. The difference between residential and summer courses is the length of the courses they offer
13. Many students may find the lack of student-to-student interaction a disadvantage to this method of study
Want to excel in identifying the writer’s views and claims? Click here to explore our in-depth guide on how to accurately determine Yes, No, or Not Given in the IELTS Reading section.
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Distance Learning reading answers
1. H
2. H
3. E
4. A
5. E
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. A
11. NO
12. YES
13. Not Given

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