How lock picking works Reading Ielts Answers and Questions

The Blog post contains the following IELTS Reading Questions:

  • IELTS Reading Matching Headings
  • IELTS Reading Diagram Labelling
  • IELTS Reading Note Completion
  • IELTS Reading Table Completion

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IELTS Reading Passage: how lock picking works

How lock picking works 

Section A

Lock picking is a necessary skill for locksmiths because it lets them clear a lock without demolishing it. If You lose your key or when you lock yourself out of your house, a locksmith can let you return in very easily. Lock-picking skills are not particularly usual amid robbers, on the whole because there are countless other, uncomplicated ways to break into a house ( for example- through a back window throwing a brick). Usually, only burglars who need to cover their tracks, such as secret agents and investigators, will bother to pick a lock. Clearly grasping the concept of lock picking may change your whole view towards locks and keys. Lockpicking simply demonstrates that usual locks are not unerring devices. They give a level of guarantee that can be rupture with minimal attempt. With the right utensil, a determined burglar can shatter into almost anything.

Section B

Locksmiths describe lock-picking as the trickery of a lock’s parts to open a lock without a key. To understand lock-picking, then, in initial you have to know how locks and keys are working.Think about the usual barricade lock you might find on a doorway. In this type of lock, a portable bolt or latch is implanted in the door so it can be stretched out to the side. This latch is lined up with a nick in the frame. When you turn the lock, the latch enlarges into the nick in the frame, so the door can’t move. When you take back the latch, then the door mobility. The only job for the lock’s is to make it easy for someone who is  with the key to move the latch but tough for someone who doesn’t have the key to move it. 

Section C

The cylinder lock is the most extensively-used lock design. In this kind, the key twirls a cylinder in the mid of the lock, which twirls the affix mechanism. When the cylinder is twirled one way, the mechanism tugs on the latch and the door can open. When the cylinder twirls the other way, the mechanism lets go of the latch so the door cannot open.One of the most usual cylinder locks is the pin design. It’s important parts are the ehousing(the lock which is in the outer part it does not move), the central cylinder, and some sheer shafts that run over from the housing into the cylinder. Inside these poles are pairs of metal pins of different length, held in location by small springs.Without the key, the pins are  halfway in the housing and halfway in the cylinder, so that the mechanism cannot twirl and the lock, thus it cannot open. When you put the right key into the cylinder, the nick in the key pushes each pair of pins up just sufficient so that the top pin is wholly in the housing and the bottom pin is fully in the cylinder. It now twirls freely, and you can open the lock.

Section D

To pick a pin lock, you can directly move each pin pair into the right position, one by one.There are two major utensils in the picking process.Picks: long, slender pieces of metal that curl up at the end ( like a dentist’s pick)A tension writhe: the basic type of tension writhe is a slender turnscrew.The first step in picking a lock is to place the tension writhe into the keyhole and twirl it in the same side that you would twirl the key. This twirls the cylinder so that it is a bit balanced from the housing around it, generating a bit of shelf in the badge shafts. While giving pressure to the cylinder, you slither the pick into the keyhole and begin hoisting the pins. The thing is to lift each pin pair up to the level at which the peak pin moves totally into the housing as if shove by the right key. When you do this at the time of applying coercion with the tension writhe, you feel or hear a bit click when the pin falls into location. This is the sound of the peak pin falling into place on the sill in the shaft. The sill keeps the peak pin squeeze in the housing, so it won’t fall yield in the cylinder. In this way, you move each pin pair into the right location up to all the peak pins are shoved totally into the housing and all the bottom pins rest inside the cylinder. At this point, the cylinder revolves freely and you can open the lock.  

Section E

Everywhere you will find pin locks, from houses to latch. They are so familiar because they are proportionately cheap but offer average security. Another ordinary type of cylinder lock is the wafer lock. These work the same origin way as pin locks, but they have even, slender pieces of metal called wafers instead of pins. You pick the wafers precisely the same way you pick pins- actually, it is a whiff easier to pick wafer locks because the keyhole is broad. In spite of giving proportionately less security, these locks are found in most cars. Tube-shaped locks provide supercilious protection to pin and wafer locks, but they are also more costly. Contrary to one row of pins, tube-shaped locks have pins placed all the way around the border of the cylinder. This makes them much tougher to pick. Normal lock-picking approaches don’t normally work on this type of lock, which is why they are frequently found on vendor machines.

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IELTS Reading Questions: How lock picking works

Questions 1-5

  • Reading passage has five sections A-E. 
  • Choose the most suitable headings for sections A—E from the list of headings below. 
  • Write the correct number i—x in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

List of headings

i. How to make the locks in your home more secure
ii. How to open a lock without a key
iii. Choosing the right tools to open locks
iv. The cylinder and the bolt
v. How to open a lock with a different key
vi. Lock varieties
vii. How a basic deadbolt system works
viii. The people who open locks without a key
ix. How a cylinder lock works
x. How to pick different kinds of lock

1. Section A
2. Section B
3. Section C
4. Section D
5. Section E

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Questions 6-8

  • Complete the diagram below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

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Questions 9-11

  • Complete the notes below.
  • Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
  • Picking a lock

Turn cylinder slightly using 9…………..
Hold the cylinder still and insert 10………….
Push the top pin into the shaft.Hold the top pin above the cylinder, on 11………………
Lift and hold all other pins in the same way. Turn cylinder and open lock.

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Questions 12-13

Complete the table below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Type of lockHow secureWhere used 
Pin12____________Houses, padlock,etc
13____________Relatively low securityMost cars
TubularSuperior protectionVending machines

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How lock picking works Reading Answers

1 . VIII
2 . VII
3 . IX
4 . II
5 . VI
8 . PINS
10 . (A/THE) PICK
13 . WAFER


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