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- IELTS Reading Summary Completion
- IELTS Reading Matching Features
- IELTS Reading True, False or Not given
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IELTS Reading Passage – How to handle the sun

How to handle the sun
Considering the sun’s effects on the human body, the medical community appears divided. There are several unresolved issues, ranging from “there is no known connection between a tan and health” to “perhaps sun-tanned skin absorbs ultraviolet rays and converts them into useful energy.” Doctors say vitamin D absorption from exposure to sunlight is a beneficial adverse effect.
It is widely recognized that vitamin D is produced by the sun’s direct rays, an occurrence wholly distinct from sun tanning. The sun’s UV rays penetrate simply a tiny portion of the human skin, but in doing so, they irradiate ergosterol, a substance in the skin that accumulates vitamin D from the sun. This is both useful and healthful for human skin.
People have acquired an infatuation with the sun throughout the entire Western Hemisphere. A suntan has become the symbol of a healthy, outdoorsy, and energetic individual, in many western nations. The basic crimson colour just under the surface of our skin is the reflection of millions of red corpuscles circulating through small blood blood vessels. This is most evident in a baby’s complexion, which may go from china white (due to fury or an alteration in temperature) to bright in an instant. This colouring is partly hidden in Caucasians by a coating of pigment produced by the sun, whose hue varies according to the individual’s complexion and movement.
In the efficacy of the suntan, locale plays a significant role. Mountain peaks and beaches are unrivalled sun spas since they get far more pure sunshine than the rest of the country. The smoke and fog in urban areas function as a filter, decreasing the sun’s beneficial effects. Perhaps the coast is the best, since its air is believed to have a minimum of a quarter of a percent more oxygen than ether encountered somewhere else, and is devoid of urban and inland dust, tars, pollen, and allergies.
Since August Rollick, in 1903, the Swiss leader of heliotherapy, founded his first high-Alps sanatorium, the sun has played an essential part in health resorts. The sun has been considered nature’s greatest health giver and healer. At least 23 skin issues, including acne, eczema, ulcers, and wounds, may be improved by being exposed to sunlight, as indicated by Dr. W. W. Coblenz. Dr. Richard Kovacs, another specialist writes, “Sun treatment is frequently helpful for those with general debility, such as recurring colds, respiratory diseases, and influenza.”
According to Dr. Leonard Dodds, a British expert on sunshine, “the return to the sun after a long winter is a general stimulant to the body, more potent if applied after a period when it has been absent, which gradually loses its effect if exposure is over prolonged, even if not excessive.”
Dermatologists have shown, through years of research, that prolonged exposure to sunlight is responsible for a significant number of skin cancers in the general population. Permanent skin damage is more probable to appear on the hands and face of year-round outdoor workers, with 90 percent of cases occurring in these regions. The first line of defence against persistent sun damage is the skin’s own natural fatty content and perspiration, which combine to form an oily acid surface layer against UV light.
At the beach, the ocean wipes away this natural oily covering, the burning heat overworks the sweat glands, rendering the surplus useless, and the combination of the dry wind and hot sun dehydrates the skin itself. Over the years, women have shown greater skin care awareness than males. Since the ancient Egyptian ladies first started applying the fat of the so-called holy temple cats on their faces, women have fought tirelessly against sun damage to the skin. Both genders now contribute every year to a globally sunscreen industry worth millions of dollars.
Eyes and hair are two more components of the human body that are vulnerable to solar harm. American optometrists examined the impact of the sun on the eyes by examining Atlantic City lifeguards, several decades ago. They discovered that even a few hours in the bright sun without sunglasses could cause significant vision loss, which could take several weeks to recover from. So gradual was the change that the lifeguards were unconscious that their vision had been affected. The solution to the problem was to incorporate sunglasses as part of the standard lifeguard outfit. These were suitably black to absorb the sun’s UV rays and a great deal of its infrared and ultraviolet light.
The effect of the sun on hair is a bit less important. The consequence of the sun’s dryness is brittleness. To restore your hair’s natural softness, hair care specialists prescribe a nutritious cream treatment with a material containing lanolin; they often come in the form of leave-in conditioners and should be used regularly, much like a sunscreen for the skin. Or, even simpler, wear a hat. A hat has a dual purpose: it helps to protect the hair and also helps to prevent the most dangerous of outdoor afflictions: sunstroke.
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How to handle the sun IELTS Reading Questions
Questions 1-5
Complete the summary below.
Many doctors agree that skin cancer can be caused by excessive exposure to the sun. As far as the human body is concerned, it is primarily the face and hands that are 1. _____________. When human skin is exposed to the sun, the body has a defence: an 2. ________________ of the skin’s natural oils and acids. For some time, women have been more effective than men in 3. ________________ for their skin. Eyes are a significant part of the body that are negatively affected by the sun. The damage often goes undetected because it happens quite 4. _____________ . On the other hand, hair becomes quite dry and brittle when exposed to the sun for an extended period. A lanolin-based conditioner is recommended by hair care professionals to 5. _____________ this problem. Perhaps a simple hat may be the best solution for hair.
maintaining | located | slowly | caring |
mixed | quickly | extended | surprisingly |
prolonged | blend | arrangement | minding |
suceed | combined | triumph | affected |
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Questions 6-9
Match the informations using the list of letters, A-H, below: Write the correct letter, and answer 1-4 on your answer sheet.
Richard Kovacs __________
August Rollier ___________
W. Coblenz ___________
Leonard Dodds __________
believes that the benefits of the sun are not scientifically provableclaims to have discovered the vitamin released in the skin by the sunsuggests that the sun is an excellent healer invented the first sun screen suggests that the sun assists with common illnesses thinks that initially, the sun is of benefit to the body is unsure about the benefits of the sun thinks the location is very important in maximising the benefit from the sun
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Questions 10-14
Answer the question from True/ False or Not Given.
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts with the information
NOT GIVEN there is no information on this
- Most doctors agree when it comes to the health benefits of the sun.
- Beaches are best for a suntan because the air has far less pollution.
- Women applied fat to their skin for protection from the sun.
- Extended exposure of the eyes to the sun can lead to blindness.
- The human eye cannot heal itself when it is damaged by the sun.
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How to handle the sun reading answers
1. affected
2. blend
3. caring
4. slowly
5. overcome
6. E
7. H
8. C
9. F
10. False
11. True
12. True
13. Not Given
14. False

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