Interesting Day Courses & Learn to Skydive Reading Questions and Answers

The Blog post contains the following IELTS Reading Questions:

  • IELTS Reading Multiple Choice Questions
  • IELTS Reading True/False/Not Given

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IELTS Reading PassageInteresting Day Courses & Learn to Skydive

Interesting Day Courses & Learn to Skydive

A   Photographing Wildlife

This workshop includes an introduction in the classroom, two photography sessions with specially arranged access to the zoo enclosures so that you can take natural-looking close-ups of the most exotic species, and the opportunity to review and discuss your images as a group.

B   Drawing For Fun

You will learn some basic techniques using soft pencils and charcoal. These and different types of paper are provided. Just bring yourself and a willingness to ‘have a go’. This is a start-up day so people who have already attended courses should not apply.

C   Find Your Voice

You may feel you can’t sing or you may be an established singer who wants to improve or gain confidence. You will be shown how to sing in tune, how to breathe correctly and how to project your voice. You may attend this course more than once and each time have a wonderful experience. Everyone can sing and it’s great fun.

D   Focus On Landscapes

This course is designed for students who are familiar with painting in watercolours, but are having difficulty with some techniques. We will discuss choice of materials, colour mixing and any other areas that may be raised.The day will start with a demonstration, followed by an opportunity to sketch outdoors. After a light lunch cooked in the studio, there will be a further practical session.

E   Taking Happy Pictures

The main objective is to introduce you to the skills required to take good photographs of people at special events, such as parties or weddings.We will discuss camera settings, dealing with varied light or bad weather, and how to get a good atmosphere. Lunch is provided at a nearby hotel, followed by a practical session inside the studio.

F   The Music Takeaway

Get some friends, family or colleagues together for your own music course in a venue of your choice, which could be your front room, basement or workplace. We send two guitar tutors to lead a one-day session for you in the style of music you prefer, such as rock, country, funk or blues.

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Questions 1-7

Look at the six advertisements, A-F, on the above text.For which course are the following statements true?Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.

1.  Participants can decide where the course is held.
2.  Different ability levels are welcome.
3.  All the necessary materials are supplied.
4.  Participants will be able to go where the public are not normally allowed.
5.  It is possible to repeat this course.
6.  You can select what to study from a range of options.
7.  The course will provide advice on how to overcome difficult conditions.

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Learn to Skydive

Accelerated Freefall (AFF) is an intensive skydiving course and you can experience freefall on your very first jump. We offer the AFF Level 1 course as a unique introduction to the world of parachuting and skydiving. It’s great as a one-off freefall experience. However, the full eight-level Accelerated Freefall course is the best way to learn to skydive and attain your licence as a qualified parachutist, which allows you to jump at skydiving centres across the world.The AFF Level 1 course begins with an intensive day of ground training. During the day, you will learn how your parachute equipment works and how to check and fit it, how to exit the aircraft, how to maintain the correct body position in the air, monitor your altitude and deploy your parachute and how to deal with emergencies. The day will finish with a written test. The training can be both mentally and physically tiring so you should stay overnight if you wish to do your first jump the next day. For safety reasons, we require you to return and jump in less than a month after your training in order to complete the Level 1 course.When you come to do your jump you will receive refresher training before you board the aircraft. You will exit the aircraft with two AFF Level 1 instructors.

They will provide in-air coaching as they fall alongside you, holding onto your harness. You will experience about one minute of freefall and deploy your own parachute, then fly and navigate for around five minutes before landing on the dropzone. Following this, you will meet your instructors to debrief the jump and collect your certificate. Shortly after you arrive home, you will receive an email link to the instructors’ footage of your skydive to post online.There are some restrictions for solo skydiving. The maximum acceptable weight is 95 kg fully clothed and a reasonable level of fitness is required. As far as age is concerned, the minimum is 16 and a parental signature of consent is required for students of 16-17 on three forms. Adults over 45 wishing to skydive must bring a completed Declaration of Fitness form signed and stamped by their doctor. Acceptance rests with the head instructor.

Questions 8-14

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text on the above passage? In boxes 8-14 on your answer sheet, write     

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information     
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information     
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

8.  After doing the AFF Level 1 course, people can skydive in different countries.
9.  The AFF Level 1 course takes more than one day to complete.
10.  Students must do their first jump within a certain period.
11.  Training continues after the student jumps out of the plane.
12.  During a first jump, an instructor will open the student’s parachute.
13.  Instructors usually film the first jumps that the students make.
14.  Students will be divided into age groups when taking the course.

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1. F
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. F
7. E
10. TRUE
11. TRUE
13. TRUE


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