Describe a positive change in your life. | IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Answer

Describe a positive change in your life. | IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Answer
Describe a positive change in your life. 
You should say:
what the change was about
when it happened
how it happened and
describe how it affected you later in life.

Learn How To Answer IELTS Speaking Test Part 2 : CUE Cards.

Sample Response 1:

A positive transformation that markedly influenced my life was my decision to adopt a healthier lifestyle. This change transpired about two years ago, prompted by a routine check-up which revealed high cholesterol levels.

With sheer determination, I started exercising regularly, incorporated more fruits and vegetables into my diet, and minimized my intake of processed food. Although challenging initially, my body gradually adjusted to this healthier regime.

This alteration has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on my life. I have witnessed improved physical health, increased energy levels, and an enhanced mental state. This change taught me that with patience and perseverance, one can alter life patterns for the better.

Sample Response 2:

The most significant positive change in my life was my move to another city for my university education. This occurred about five years ago, when I was accepted into a reputable university far from my hometown.

Moving out of my comfort zone was intimidating, but it exposed me to a diverse array of cultures, ideas, and experiences. I became more self-reliant, managing my own finances, cooking my own meals, and solving problems independently.

This experience profoundly shaped my life. It helped me become more adaptable and resourceful, nurturing valuable life skills. Today, I am better equipped to handle challenges and more open to embracing change, largely due to this transformative experience.

Sample Response 3:

A significant positive shift in my life was my decision to pursue my passion for painting. This change came about three years ago, following a stressful period at work when I realized I needed a creative outlet.

I enrolled in a local art class and started dedicating a couple of hours every weekend to painting. It started as a hobby, but gradually I found myself engrossed in the world of colors and textures.

This decision had a profound impact on my life. It not only helped me deal with stress more effectively but also unleashed a new side of my personality. I’ve become more patient, observant, and appreciative of the beauty around me, reaffirming the belief that it’s never too late to pursue a passion.

Explore Various IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card Questions and Answers.

Recommended Vocabulary:

  1. Transpire – Occur or happen.
    • Example: “This change transpired about two years ago.”
  2. Sheer – Nothing other than; absolute.
    • Example: “With sheer determination, I started exercising regularly.”
  3. Intimidating – Having a frightening, overawing, or threatening effect.
    • Example: “Moving out of my comfort zone was intimidating.”
  4. Self-reliant – Relying on oneself or on one’s own powers and resources rather than those of others.
    • Example: “I became more self-reliant, managing my own finances.”
  5. Resourceful – Having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
    • Example: “It helped me become more adaptable and resourceful.”
  6. Engrossed – Completely absorbed in one’s thoughts or in a task.
    • Example: “Gradually I found myself engrossed in the world of colors and textures.”
  7. Unleashed – Release or vent (something powerful or effective).
    • Example: “It not only helped me deal with stress more effectively but also unleashed a new side of my personality.”
  8. Reaffirm – State again as a fact; assert again strongly.
    • Example: “I’ve become more patient and appreciative of the beauty around me, reaffirming the belief that it’s never too late to pursue a passion.”

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