In this post, you will see one of the most common IELTS speaking topics for part 3 (Work) and sample answers.
Please remember that in the actual test you should give honest answers and talk about your own experiences, thoughts, feelings and opinions. Do not try to memorise answers, as the examiners will probably be able to guess and you will lose marks.
However, you are able to make up information to extend your answers, but be sure that you are confident when speaking about the chosen topic and that it is believable.
TIP >> Listen to the questions the examiner asks you and think about the structure of the question. Are they asking your for your opinion? or to say how something has changed from the past to the present?
TIP >> Learn about the most commonly asked question types used in the part 3 questions. This will help you to identify how you should respond and what to look out for when you are practising.
TIP >> It is common for many people to say ‘I don’t know’ or to lose focus when they get a question they know little about. Always answer the questions and if you feel as though you don’t know about the topic, then buy yourself some time by saying; ‘I haven’t really thought about that before…. but in my opinion……’ then give your opinion, etc.
TIP >> Don’t try to answer the questions as quickly as possible, take your time and answer them to the best of your ability. Give your opinion, the reasoning behind it and support with specific examples.
Take a look at the questions and sample answers below on the topic of ‘Work‘ >>
Q: Is it better to make important life decisions on your own or is it better to consult other people?
A: I think that for anything important you should discuss it with your nearest and dearest. For instance, if you were thinking about leaving your job you may want to talk that through with your partner or parents. The people who are close to you will be able to support you and offer you both positive and negative views. Getting a second or third opinion before making a huge decision is better than going through that on your own.
Q: Do you think good decision-making can be taught?
A: In my view, I think that many people who are successful have good instincts to make decisions on their own. However, I do think that with the right experience good decision-making can be taught. Depending on the situation and the type of decisions you have to make.
Q: Is watching TV a good way of forgetting about work or study?
A: On the one hand, watching a TV show or movie can be a good way to relax or have background noise while you are cooking or doing other things. This can help you to unwind and forget about any work stress or study projects you are doing. You can switch your mind off and focus on something else for a while, to take a break from it. On the other hand, you should do everything in moderation and not let your Netflix binge distract you for many hours, affecting your work or study negatively.
Q: Should coworkers also spend their leisure time together?
A: In my opinion, I think that it depends on the type of job you have and how well you get on with your colleagues. In some professions, it is common for workers to go out together for drinks or dinner after work at least once per week. Often people who work together for many hours develop long-lasting friendship that last years and years. I think that if you enjoy your time with your teammates then you should see them as often as you want.
Q: Do you agree that English should be the main language of international exchange?
A: From the places, I have been to I agree that it already is, as many people who can’t communicate in their native language can talk to each other in English. My niece, for example, has many friends from Spain, Poland and Greece who all communicate with each other in English. It is already a very commonly taught language and it does make it easier for people to communicate when travelling.
Q: What are the difficulties in creating a universal language?
A: I think that having a language for everyone to use all over the world, will cause some people to be excluded. For instance, many old people may find it difficult to learn or those from poor socio-economic backgrounds will feel left out of this, as they will not have the ways and means to learn. Others may rebel against this and cause trouble because they do not want to conform to having one language to be used by all.
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