In this post, you will see one of the most common IELTS speaking topics (reading) and sample answers.
Please remember that in the actual test you should give honest answers and talk about your own experiences, thoughts, feelings and opinions. Do not try to memorise answers, as the examiners will probably be able to guess and you will lose marks.
However, you are able to make up information to extend your answers, but be sure that you are confident when speaking about the chosen topic and that it is believable.
TIP >> Each answer should be at least 2-3 sentences long.
TIP >> Listen carefully to the question so that you answer in the correct tense.
TIP >> When answering a yes/no question – answer then give your reasons for your answer. You must extend your answer to gain more marks.
TIP >> Just relax and think of it as a regular conversation you are having, make eye contact and be positive.
Take a look at the questions and sample answers below on the topic of ‘reading‘ >>
Q: Do you like to read books?
A: Yes, I love to read and try to read as often as I can. I have an e-reader and have more than 600 books in my library.
Q: What type of books do you like to read?
A: Mostly romance, I am a huge fan of old English classic literature, like Jane Austen or Charlotte Bronte. I also like to read modern romance, with Mills and Boon often slipping into my holiday reading list.
Q: Do you ever visit the library?
A: Not really, I used to when I was a student and as a teacher, but now it is so easy to buy books online and either have them delivered to your home or downloaded onto your e-reader. I am very forgetful, so always ended up with fines from the library for late returns!
Q: Do you prefer reading books or watching films?
A: I much prefer to read books, because I like to get lost in a story. It is a great way to fuel your imagination and to go somewhere else for a short period of time. You focus on the characters and the details given to you. Watching a movie does not often hold my attention in the same way.
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