Writing Task 1: How to Solve
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You have bought a new mobile phone and in a few days of purchase, it has stopped working. You have spoken to the company representative a week ago but it has still not been repaired. Write a letter to the company. In your letter, introduce yourself explain the situation say what action you would like the company to take. Write at least 150 words.
IELTS General Writing Task 1: Letter Writing
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Jane Doe, a recent customer who purchased one of your esteemed company’s mobile phones from the ‘Tech World’ store located in Manhattan, New York.
To my profound dismay, the device ceased to function merely days after its acquisition. While the phone boasted advanced features and impeccable aesthetics, its sudden malfunction was indeed an unexpected letdown. Last week, I reached out to your customer service department, where I spoke to a representative named Mark. He assured me that the issue would be addressed promptly, but a week has passed and the situation remains unchanged.
Given the reputation of your company, such an oversight in quality assurance and post-purchase support is perplexing. I beseech you to either facilitate an immediate repair of the device or provide a replacement at the earliest. My daily activities are intrinsically linked to the functionality of my phone, and this delay is causing considerable inconvenience.
I trust in your commitment to customer satisfaction and am confident that you will expedite a resolution to this matter.
Warm regards,
Jane Doe
Recommended Resources:
How To Write A Formal Letter
How To Write A Semi-Formal Letter
How To Write An Informal Letter
General Training Writing Task 1 Letter Example 3 – You ordered a new credit card but have not yet received it
General Training Writing Task 1 Letter Example 2 – You want to drop a course at the University
General Training Writing Task 1 Letter Example 1 – Moving to a new city for work
Profound (Adjective)
Meaning: Very great or intense.
Example: She has a profound understanding of the subject.
Dismay (Noun)
Meaning: Concern and distress caused by something unexpected.
Example: To her dismay, the exam was much harder than she expected.
Aesthetics (Noun)
Meaning: A set of principles concerned with the appreciation of beauty or good taste.
Example: The aesthetics of the building have been much admired.
Letdown (Noun)
Meaning: A disappointment or a feeling of disappointment.
Example: The concert was a real letdown.
Perplexing (Adjective)
Meaning: Completely baffling or very puzzling.
Example: The reason behind his actions is perplexing.
Beseech (Verb)
Meaning: To ask urgently and fervently to do something.
Example: She beseeched him to stay.
Writing Task 1: Questions and Answer
Oversight (Noun)
Meaning: An unintentional failure to notice or do something.
Example: The error was a mere oversight on our part.
Intrinsically (Adverb)
Meaning: In an essential or natural way.
Example: The gem is intrinsically valuable.
Expedite (Verb)
Meaning: To make an action or process happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.
Example: We aim to expedite the shipping process for our customers.
Resolution (Noun)
Meaning: A firm decision to do or not to do something.
Example: She kept her resolution not to eat chocolate.
Writing Task 1: